
The Marshall Islands LLC: A Legal Framework for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have emerged as innovative models for organizing and governing decentralized projects, leveraging blockchain technology and smart contracts to enable decentralized decision-making and governance. These novel entities operate without a central authority, relying on the collective intelligence and participation of their members to drive decision-making processes. However, the absence of a clear legal framework for DAOs poses significant challenges in terms of compliance, liability, and governance.

In recent years, various jurisdictions have been exploring legal structures to accommodate DAOs and provide a regulatory framework that addresses their unique characteristics. One such jurisdiction is the Marshall Islands, a tropical archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. The Marshall Islands has implemented a special regulatory system specifically tailored for DAOs, making it an intriguing option for incorporating and operating these decentralized entities.

Benefits of Incorporating a DAO in the Marshall Islands

Mixed Legal System: U.S. and English Common Law

One of the significant advantages of incorporating a DAO in the Marshall Islands is the utilization of a mixed legal system that combines elements of U.S. and English common law, supplemented by local statutes and customary laws. This unique blend provides DAOs with a diverse legal framework that draws from well-established legal traditions. The incorporation of U.S. and English common law principles ensures familiarity and compatibility with international business practices, facilitating smooth operations and legal compliance for DAOs.

Easy Setup and Swift Process

Incorporating a company in the Marshall Islands is known for its ease and efficiency. Unlike some jurisdictions with complex and lengthy processes, the Marshall Islands offer a streamlined setup procedure. DAOs seeking incorporation in the Marshall Islands need only three founding members, who can be legal entities or individuals, simplifying the initial formation requirements. This straightforward process enables DAOs to establish a legal entity quickly, allowing them to focus on their core activities and objectives.

Furthermore, the registration process for a company in the Marshall Islands is relatively swift. Within three weeks, DAOs can complete the company setup, and within an additional two weeks, they can obtain a special license, if necessary. This efficient timeline allows DAOs to commence their operations promptly, reducing potential delays and enabling them to take advantage of emerging opportunities in the decentralized ecosystem.


Cost considerations play a crucial role in any business endeavor, and DAOs are no exception. Compared to alternative options like Swiss foundations, the establishment of a company in the Marshall Islands presents a cost-effective solution for DAOs. The affordable entity setup, coupled with the ongoing operational costs, offers a favorable economic environment for DAOs looking to maximize their resources.

By selecting the Marshall Islands as the jurisdiction for incorporation, DAOs can benefit from a favorable cost structure without compromising on the quality and reliability of the legal framework. This cost-effectiveness allows DAOs to allocate their financial resources strategically, directing more funds towards their core activities and fostering growth within their decentralized ecosystem.

Cooperation with the United States

The close cooperation between the Marshall Islands and the United States further enhances the appeal of incorporating a DAO in this jurisdiction. The two countries maintain a free association, resulting in mutual benefits and support. For DAOs operating within the Marshall Islands, this association provides an additional layer of credibility and stability.

Cooperation with the United States offers DAOs access to a well-established legal and financial system, providing potential partners, investors, and users with a higher level of confidence and trust. The association also ensures a level of familiarity and compatibility with U.S. business practices, facilitating cross-border collaborations and opportunities for expansion. This cooperative relationship acts as a valuable asset for DAOs seeking to establish their presence in the global decentralized landscape.
In summary, incorporating a DAO in the Marshall Islands presents several compelling benefits. The mixed legal system of U.S. and English common law, combined with the ease of setup and efficient process, offers DAOs a favorable regulatory environment. Additionally, the cost-effectiveness of establishing a company in the Marshall Islands and the close cooperation with the United States contribute to the appeal of this jurisdiction. These advantages make the Marshall Islands an enticing option for DAOs looking to establish a solid legal foundation while maximizing their operational efficiency and growth potential.

Legal Form of a Marshall Islands DAO

Non-profit Corporation: Limited Liability Company (LLC)

In the context of a Marshall Islands DAO, the preferred legal entity is the Limited Liability Company (LLC), which takes the form of a non-profit corporation. This unique legal structure distinguishes the Marshall Islands approach from the more commonly adopted foundation structure for DAOs. The non-profit corporation offers specific advantages and aligns well with the principles and objectives of many DAOs.

By adopting the non-profit model, a Marshall Islands DAO emphasizes its commitment to a non-profit activity and the promotion of a common purpose rather than distributing profits among its members, directors, or officers. This ensures that the focus remains on the collective goals and objectives of the DAO community, fostering a cooperative and collaborative environment.

Certificate of Incorporation and Operating Agreement

To establish a legal framework for a Marshall Islands DAO, certain foundational documents are required. These include the Certificate of Incorporation, the Operating Agreement, and the Charter of the Company.

The Certificate of Incorporation is a fundamental document that outlines essential information about the DAO, such as its name, purpose, and registered address. It provides legal recognition of the DAO as a distinct entity within the Marshall Islands jurisdiction.

The Operating Agreement is of particular significance as it sets forth the governance structure and key operational aspects of the DAO. This agreement outlines matters such as the establishment of additional governing bodies, voting procedures, mechanisms for amending smart contracts, and the management of the DAO's treasury. It serves as a comprehensive blueprint that guides the day-to-day operations and decision-making processes within the DAO.

The Operating Agreement offers a level of flexibility and adaptability that is crucial for DAOs, as it can be customized and updated to reflect the evolving needs and dynamics of the DAO community. This enables DAO members to actively participate in shaping the governance mechanisms and ensuring alignment with the DAO's overarching objectives.

Role of the Charter of the Company

The Charter of the Company serves as an additional foundational document for a Marshall Islands DAO. It provides further details regarding the DAO's structure and purpose, expanding upon the information provided in the Certificate of Incorporation. The Charter may include provisions related to the membership, rights, and obligations of the DAO's participants.

While the Charter of the Company plays a supporting role in the legal framework of a Marshall Islands DAO, it contributes to the overall transparency and clarity of the DAO's structure and operations. It acts as a guiding document that helps DAO participants understand their roles and responsibilities within the decentralized organization.
In summary, the legal form of a Marshall Islands DAO takes the shape of a non-profit corporation known as a Limited Liability Company (LLC). The Certificate of Incorporation establishes the DAO's legal recognition, while the Operating Agreement serves as a comprehensive governance blueprint. The Charter of the Company further supports the legal framework by providing additional details regarding the DAO's structure and purpose. Together, these documents provide the necessary legal foundation for a Marshall Islands DAO, ensuring transparency, accountability, and effective governance within the decentralized ecosystem.

Operating Agreement: Empowering DAO Management

The Operating Agreement is a pivotal document within the legal framework of a Marshall Islands DAO. It plays a crucial role in empowering the management and governance of the decentralized organization. By outlining key provisions and mechanisms, the Operating Agreement provides DAO participants with the tools to shape and govern their collective activities effectively.

Additional Governing Bodies

One of the key features of the Operating Agreement is its provision for establishing additional governing bodies within the DAO. These bodies can be formed to address specific functions or areas of expertise required for the DAO's operations. Examples of such bodies include advisory boards, technical committees, or specialized working groups.

The inclusion of additional governing bodies allows DAOs to leverage the expertise and diverse perspectives of their participants. It enables the distribution of responsibilities and decision-making authority across different groups, ensuring a more inclusive and well-informed governance structure. Through these bodies, DAO participants can collaborate and contribute their unique skills to the collective decision-making processes.

Voting Procedures and Counting of Votes

The Operating Agreement also specifies the voting procedures and mechanisms for counting votes within the DAO. It outlines the rules and criteria for conducting voting processes, including the methods, timelines, and quorum requirements. These provisions ensure transparency and fairness in the decision-making processes of the DAO.

The inclusion of clear voting procedures helps prevent conflicts and disputes by establishing a structured approach to decision-making. DAO participants can exercise their voting rights and contribute to shaping the direction and policies of the organization. By defining the counting of votes, the Operating Agreement ensures that decisions accurately represent the collective will of the DAO community.

Amendment of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are an integral part of DAO operations, as they enable the execution of automated actions and enforce the rules and agreements of the organization. The Operating Agreement of a Marshall Islands DAO provides provisions for amending these smart contracts when necessary.

Amendment procedures outlined in the Operating Agreement allow DAO participants to propose and implement changes to smart contracts as the needs and circumstances of the DAO evolve. This flexibility ensures that DAOs can adapt to technological advancements, regulatory changes, or evolving community consensus.

Treasury Management

Managing the DAO's treasury is a critical aspect of its operations, and the Operating Agreement addresses this aspect as well. It establishes guidelines for the management, allocation, and utilization of the DAO's financial resources.

The Operating Agreement may specify procedures for contributions, withdrawals, and distributions from the DAO's treasury. It outlines the decision-making processes for funding proposals, investment strategies, and financial transparency requirements. These provisions ensure responsible and accountable management of the DAO's financial assets.
In summary, the Operating Agreement plays a central role in empowering the management and governance of a Marshall Islands DAO. It facilitates the establishment of additional governing bodies, defines voting procedures and counting of votes, enables the amendment of smart contracts, and provides guidelines for treasury management. These provisions ensure a transparent, inclusive, and adaptable governance structure for DAO participants. By empowering DAO management through the Operating Agreement, the Marshall Islands legal framework enables effective decision-making and promotes the successful operation of decentralized autonomous organizations.

Registration Process for a Marshall Islands LLC

The registration process is a crucial step in establishing a legal wrapper for a DAO in the Marshall Islands. This section will outline the key steps involved in registering a Marshall Islands Limited Liability Company (LLC) and provide an overview of the requirements and procedures.

Defining the Name and Purpose of the DAO

The registration process begins with defining the name and purpose of the DAO. The name should reflect the identity and nature of the organization, while the purpose should emphasize the non-profit element of the DAO's activities. It is important to carefully consider and craft these elements to accurately represent the goals and mission of the DAO.

Gathering Founding Members

To proceed with the registration, a minimum of three founding members is required. These members can be legal entities or individuals. The founding members play a crucial role in establishing the DAO and shaping its initial governance structure.

Collaboratively, the founding members will draft the Operating Agreement, which serves as the blueprint for the DAO's management and operations. It is common practice to utilize a template or seek legal advice to ensure the Operating Agreement meets the specific requirements and objectives of the DAO.

Know Your Customer (KYC) Process

Before the registration can be completed, the founding members and any individuals or entities holding 10% or more governance rights over the DAO must undergo a Know Your Customer (KYC) process. This process involves providing relevant identification and due diligence information to the local regulator.

The KYC process is essential for regulatory compliance and ensuring the integrity and transparency of the DAO. It helps establish trust and confidence among stakeholders and contributes to the overall legitimacy of the DAO within the jurisdiction.

Signing and Filing the Documents

Once the KYC process is successfully completed, the founding members will proceed to sign the necessary documents, including the Operating Agreement, Certificate of Incorporation, and Foreign Business Investment License form. These documents formalize the establishment of the Marshall Islands LLC and provide legal recognition of the DAO.

Subsequently, the signed documents are filed with the local regulator, who will review the submissions for compliance with regulatory requirements. This review ensures that the DAO meets the necessary criteria for incorporation and operates within the legal framework of the Marshall Islands.

Charter of the Limited Liability Company

Upon approval of the submitted documents, the regulator will issue the Charter of the limited liability company to the founding members. The Charter provides additional details about the DAO's structure, membership, and obligations. It serves as an important reference for understanding the legal rights and responsibilities of the DAO participants.

The Charter, along with the Operating Agreement and Certificate of Incorporation, completes the registration process, providing the DAO with a solid legal foundation and recognition within the jurisdiction.
In summary, the registration process for a Marshall Islands LLC involves defining the name and purpose of the DAO, gathering at least three founding members, undergoing the KYC process, signing the necessary documents, and filing them with the local regulator. The issuance of the Charter of the limited liability company marks the completion of the registration process, providing the DAO with a clear legal framework and establishing its presence within the jurisdiction. It is important to consult legal professionals or advisors with expertise in the jurisdiction to ensure compliance and navigate the registration process smoothly.

Andrei Kazachikhin. Founder. Cipher Consult